讨论版列表 - 算法集锦 - 主题数: 41 | 文章数: 47 | 管理员: homecox


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作者: admin, 讨论版: 算法集锦, 发表时间: 2016-04-03 13:12:43 PST
标题: 数据结构使得一个request在1秒之内只能执行50次

From: http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t/JobHunting/33166641.html


面试官提示说如果要支持request limit为1million的话,用任何数据结构存timestamp

发信人: robustray (robust), 信区: JobHunting
标  题: Re: 问个Google的面试题
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Apr  3 16:03:47 2016, 美东)

这题不需要开array或者queue,只要维护counter和last seconds就可以了,确实是O(1


※ 来源: homecox.com  [来自: 72.]

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作者: admin, 讨论版: 算法集锦, 发表时间: 2016-04-04 17:47:12 PST
标题: Re: 数据结构使得一个request在1秒之内只能执行50次

See: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/667508/whats-a-good-rate-limiting-algorithm about Rate Limiter.

rate = 5.0; // unit: messages per = 8.0; // unit: seconds allowance = rate; // unit: messages last_check = now(); // floating-point, e.g. usec accuracy. Unit: seconds when (message_received): current = now(); time_passed = current - last_check; last_check = current; allowance += time_passed * (rate / per); if (allowance > rate): allowance = rate; // throttle if (allowance < 1.0): discard_message(); else: forward_message(); allowance -= 1.0;
There are no datastructures, timers etc. in this solution and it works cleanly :) To see this, 'allowance' grows at speed 5/8 units per seconds at most, i.e. at most five units per eight seconds. Every message that is forwarded deducts one unit, so you can't send more than five messages per every eight seconds. Note that rate should be an integer, i.e. without non-zero decimal part, or the algorithm won't work correctly (actual rate will not be rate/per). E.g. rate=0.5; per=1.0; does not work because allowance will never grow to 1.0. But rate=1.0; per=2.0; works fine.
import time def RateLimited(maxPerSecond): minInterval = 1.0 / float(maxPerSecond) def decorate(func): lastTimeCalled = [0.0] def rateLimitedFunction(*args,**kargs): elapsed = time.clock() - lastTimeCalled[0] leftToWait = minInterval - elapsed if leftToWait>0: time.sleep(leftToWait) ret = func(*args,**kargs) lastTimeCalled[0] = time.clock() return ret return rateLimitedFunction return decorate @RateLimited(2) # 2 per second at most def PrintNumber(num): print num if __name__ == "__main__": print "This should print 1,2,3... at about 2 per second." for i in range(1,100): PrintNumber(i)


※ 来源: homecox.com  [来自: 72.]

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作者: admin, 讨论版: 算法集锦, 发表时间: 2016-04-04 18:02:31 PST
标题: Re: 数据结构使得一个request在1秒之内只能执行50次

Guaua Rate Limiter:

- http://docs.guava-libraries.googlecode.com/git/javadoc/com/google/common/util/concurrent/RateLimiter.html
- http://www.nurkiewicz.com/2012/09/ratelimiter-discovering-google-guava.html
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27711962/guava-s-ratelimiter-per-minutes-instead-of-seconds


※ 来源: homecox.com  [来自: 72.]


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