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作者: admin, 讨论版: 面试求职, 发表时间: 2015-02-05 23:42:00 PST
标题: Validate B-tree

From: http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t/JobHunting/32877637.html

A B-tree is a generalization of a binary search tree, where each node has n
keys and n+1 children and n can be different for each node. The keys are
sorted the same as in a binary search tree. For each key k in the tree, all
children to the left must have keys less than k, and all children to the
right must have keys greater than k.

Write a method that validates whether a B-tree is correctly sorted. You do
NOT need to validate whether
the tree is balanced. Use the following model for a node in the B-tree.
struct node {
  int* values;
  struct node** children;


This is similar to validate a BST.

For a BST, validation is:

bool IsBST(TreeNode * root) {
    return IsValidBST(root, INT_MIN - 1ll, INT_MAX + 1ll);
bool IsValidBST(TreeNode * root, long long mi, long long ma) {
    if (! root) return true;
    return root->val > mi && root->val < ma && 
           IsValidBST(root->left, mi, root->val) &&
           IsValidBST(root->right, root->val, ma);

So for a B-tree, validation is something like this:

#include <iostream> using namespace std; struct node { int* values; struct node** children; }; bool IsValidBTree(struct node * root, long long mi, long long ma); bool IsBTree(struct node * root) { return IsValidBTree(root, INT_MIN - 1ll, INT_MAX + 1ll); } bool IsValidBTree(struct node * root, long long mi, long long ma) { if (! root) return true; long long cur = mi; int * v = root->values; struct node ** c = root->children; while (*v != 0) { if (cur >= *v) return false; // check each value. if (! IsValidBTree(*c, cur, *v)) return false; // check child. cur = *v; ++ v, ++ c; } if (cur >= ma) return false; // check last value. ++ c; if (! IsValidBTree(*c, cur, ma)) return false; // check last child. return true; } int main() { return 0; }


最后修改: admin on 2015-02-05 23:56:35 PST
※ 来源: homecox.com  [来自: 128.]


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