讨论版列表 - 面试求职 - 主题数: 42 | 文章数: 46 | 管理员: (无)


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作者: admin, 讨论版: 面试求职, 发表时间: 2016-04-05 14:05:00 PST
标题: UAL 面经

UAL 面经

UAL 面经




    Create a dictionary whose elements are key, tree (time, value). Given key, and time, find the closest value.
    Translate a number into English. 199 -> One hundred and ninety nine.
    Translate a number(1-100000) into Roman number, 5 -> V
    Print a tree horizontally.
    Print a passage with fixed width, and put as many as words in one line with same intervals.
    Give calendar of N people, find available slots for all the people.
    Big number multiply.
    Find the longest sub palindrome string in a string.
    Cache with Java
    Paint houses with 3 color, neighbor houses should not have same color. (what if the houses locate as a ring).
    Words edit distance(replace, remove or add one letter)

System Design

    Design a chat app
    Design Netflix
    Optimize the elevator to save time or energy
    OO design for a manufacture tape with two mechanic handler.
    Design a web crawler, pros/cons for BFS/DFS
    Design a distributed key/value store.
    Design a tinyURL system
    Design a RSS client
    Design a Facebook newsfeed Front end(not how to scale)
    Design the best way to store metadata in database.
     Design a localization workflow.
    Design a blog with massive traffic.


※ 来源: homecox.com  [来自: 72.]


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